Send Me A Picture!

Share the Awesome! Have a fun memory and a picture to go with it? Feel like drawing, painting, anything? Send me an awesome (appropriate) picture with a caption and it will become a part of the daily "Picture of Awesome"


10 August 2012

Hello Everyone!

Last Year my friend Ariel encouraged me to write a list containing 100 things that I love about myself.  The list took over 3 hours to write, but it was an amazing experience that I encouraged everyone to do when I posted the list to Facebook.

This year I decided to share my “100 Things I Love About Myself List: 2012” with this awesome community.  As I did last year, I encourage everyone to take on writing a list.  You can post it here, post it on your own wall, or write it down on a scrap of paper.

A list like this requires self reflection, and it makes you realize how truly amazing you are.  My list contains a variety of shout outs, silly habits, fun facts, and self acknowledgement.

If you’d like to share your list with me, feel free to send it via email to:

With the list, please tell me if I have permission to share some of the entries I receive to my tumblr, twitter, and my blog.

No matter who you share your list with (even if it’s just you, yourself and I,) please let me know that you took on this cool project. J

I am so looking forward to seeing the amazing lists that are going to be produced by this awesome community!

100 Things I Love About Myself 2012

1.     I can make people laugh
2.     I can sing
3.     I know how to Ballroom Dance (Thanks August!)
4.     I can act
5.     I know how to make paper cranes
a.     And boxes
b.     And lobsters
c.      And cherry blossoms
6.     I am willing to wake up early
7.     I am not afraid of frogs
8.     I am in love with pollywogs
9.     I know how to take a fish off a hook
10. I know how to fly fish
11. I can start the 4 horsepower motorboat
12. I am not afraid of leeches
13. I can climb trees
14. I love climbing mountains
15. I can recognize that I look great in a bikini (not being arrogant, just showing self esteem)
16. I can run in high heels
17. I know how to work my poodle-puff hair
18. I’m sincere
19. I’m self expressed
20.  I enjoy the taste of Moxie
21. I enjoy doing the dishes
22. I am more interested in bats than shooting starts
23. I love swimming at night
24. I make a lovely fire
25. I know how to execute lobsters
26. I know how to eat a lobster (a skill that not everybody possesses)
27. I believe a sunrise is worth a sleepless night
28. I know that my past actions are not representative of who I am today
29. I am willing to listen to all types of music (though metal is still a work in progress)
30. I know how to drill into metal (Thanks Uncle Chris!)
31. I can swim across my pond
32. I can tell if a cat’s colon is clear (thanks fat hamstah)
33. I know how to set a dinner table (It’s basic but important)
34. I know how to dive
35. I enjoy walking around barefoot
36. I am willing to try new foods
37. I love the smell of books
38. I believe that hand written letters are brilliant
39. I will always draw, though I may not show my artwork to the world
40. I dance around the kitchen when I am cooking or cleaning
41. I strongly hold to the opinion that leggings are not pants
42. I am an ENFJ: Extraverted intuitive Feeling Judging
43. I am a fruit bat
44. I dream about what my deamon would be (currently sticking to the opinion of my deamon being a rabbit)
45. I have played D&D (Thanks Will!)
46. I can quote most lines from all three Lord of the Rings movies (extended edition) and I can quote most lines from the Lord of the Rings BBC Radio Play (13 discs, 13 hours long)
47. I know who Snookie is. (I’m not saying I like Snookie (I’m rather neutral in that matter) I’m just happy that every year I seem to live less and less in a bubble.)
48. I write cliché letters (and occasionally, actually very rarely, give them to people)
49. I know how to make friendship bracelets (including a Greek wave design and a watermelon design!)
50. I have an amazing relationship with my sister
51. I have an amazing relationship with my parents, and with my extended family
52. I am a hopeless romantic
53. I make home-made gifts that regardless of their outcome are a recognized labor of love
54. I have written weekly letters to someone
55. I am a proud music geek!
56. I know how to play the flute
57. I can play several songs on the guitar
58. I can play several songs on the ukulele
59. I am teaching myself how to play the piano after giving it up 5 years ago
60. I cherish small moments in life
61. I am easily moved and inspired
62. I created a successful project and sold about 50 Today is Awesome Shirts!
63. I know how to tie-dye shirts
64. I am willing to laugh at myself
65. I know the difference between plaid and flannel
66. I know how to make hospital corners on a bed (sometimes)
67. I know there’s only one place to go to get strawberry rhubarb pie and blueberry doughnuts (Shout out to the Abbot Village Bakery)
68. I’m not afraid of the muck in the pond
69. I don’t need TV in my life to be happy (Netflix Watch Instantly on the other hand…)
70. I am a proud Treky
71. I will always find a way to bring up Jordan in a conversation
72. I enjoy both coffee and tea
73. I make awesome chocolate chip cookies
74. I enjoy watching plays
75. I love almost all Shakespeare plays (Romeo and Juliet is still a bit annoying)
76. I am willing to give James Joyce another chance
77. I believe in (annoying) over analysis
78. I appreciate nature
79. I enjoy making lists
80. I can play my day up to the minute
81. I can turn my hand 360°
82. I can make my left eye twitch (strange, but a talent none the less)
83. I know how to write in cursive
84. I give amazing hugs
85. I will always love Marry Poppins
86. I sing my heart out to sappy songs when no one’s home (and when they are)
87. I know I am loved by many
88. I believe in miracles
89. Making someone smile makes my day
90. I am willing to acknowledge myself for the impact I have in other peoples’ lives
91. I put my heart into most everything I do
92. I am willing to cry. I know that it’s okay to be sad.
93. I believe in (and love) Minnesota goodbyes
94. I happily throw myself into new situations
95. When falling asleep doesn’t work, I resort to dancing around my room
96. I love to dance in the rain
97. I love to swim in the rain
98. I have three amazing people in my life who remain my close, close friends despite only hanging out for five days every year. (I love you Tori Dave and Kim!)
99. I make myself responsible for my own happiness
100.I am awesome!