Send Me A Picture!

Share the Awesome! Have a fun memory and a picture to go with it? Feel like drawing, painting, anything? Send me an awesome (appropriate) picture with a caption and it will become a part of the daily "Picture of Awesome"


27 February 2014


27 February 2014

Hello InternetWorld! I missed you!

The past few weeks have been crazy.

Let's talk.

I had a great Valentine's Day and had a wonderful time with my friend as we went as "Friend Dates" to   a show.

My parents took me and my sister to see Pippin on Broadway! They play alone was a surprise, but I didn't even know that my sister would be traveling to see me!

Life's been kind of difficult as of late but I'm going uphill yet again.

This week is National Eating Awareness week. 
As someone who has struggled with body image for most of her life, I think this week is an important time to reach out and tell people (authentically) that they are beautiful.

Society today has such a stigma of what "beauty" is, and it's all rubbish.

This is a short post but I'm going to publish it anyway because I need to recommit to posting on a daily basis.