Send Me A Picture!

Share the Awesome! Have a fun memory and a picture to go with it? Feel like drawing, painting, anything? Send me an awesome (appropriate) picture with a caption and it will become a part of the daily "Picture of Awesome"


24 October 2012

For the Longest Time

Hello everyone!
It has been over a month, in fact, it has been over two months since I have posted in this blog.
When this blog was created, I stated that I would write and post weekly.
I did not do this, and I would like to acknowledge the impact it had on this community.
Not keeping my word means that I am out of integrity, and that is starting to become more and more apparent in my life.
Therefore, I am recommitting to writing at least once a week.
I'm in college now, and now that I am two months in, I am positive that I have picked the right college.
I am taking both dancing and acting classes as well as an Environmental Chemistry class and an Mythology course.
I am meeting lots of new people and having lots of fun getting used to this new community.
College has really helped point out areas in my life where there is room for growth.
I have to clean my section of my room at least once a week because it gets crowded with clothes, library books and food.
Also, the idea of freshman 15 scares me!!!! The game I am taking on is not checking me weight at all.
I joined the cross country team, so hopefully I have gained weight due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.  Therefore, checking my weight would be pointless.
Checking my weight would be pointless anyway, because weight doesn't mean anything, it's all about how you feel about your body.
Today is Awesome because I acknowledging to the world that I am self-concious about my body, but I KNOW that I am beautiful. I no longer fish for compliments or say that I hate my body because I have an amazing body and I am now working on not worrying about how I look all the time, or questioning whether something makes me look a certain way because I look perfect just the way I am. ^_^
I only have one class on Wednesday so I will be updating this blog every Wednesday.
You are all amazing.
