Send Me A Picture!

Share the Awesome! Have a fun memory and a picture to go with it? Feel like drawing, painting, anything? Send me an awesome (appropriate) picture with a caption and it will become a part of the daily "Picture of Awesome"


09 November 2012

Rocky Horror

Hello Awesome people!
This week has been pretty crazy.  We had a snowstorm and I got to see someone experience being in snow for the first time! It was wonderful.
I’ve been feeling pretty sick lately, but everyone has been very understanding which is such a beautiful experience.
Tonight I am going to go see “Rocky Horror Picture Show.”  I am so excited and scared at the same time….
I spent most of this week trying to recover form being sick.  I’m in a musical and we’ve started tech week so it’s really important that I take care of my health.
My current remedy:
-       lots of vitamin C
-       Zinc
-       Tea with lots of honey
-       Hot water with lemon and honey
-       Orange juice
-       Oranges
-       Citrus
-       More vitamin C
-       More more tea
It may not be perfect, but I’m a college student and it’s working out well enough.
I’ll let you all know how “Rock Horror” went!