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22 February 2012

Today is Awesome!

Hello everyone!

Today has ben so so so awesome.
I began my day with a substitute in AP US History, and although I do enjoy the class, it was nice not needing to concentrate at 7:30 am.
Little acknowledgements really can make a difference.  During badminton, my partner said that I knew how to play very well.  That small compliment made the rest of the class enjoyable, regardless of the fact that I lost the next game.
During sociology, I  participated so much, that the teacher said she wouldn't call on me anymore because I obviously knew what I was doing.  To be told that I knew what I was doing was awesome.  As a second semester senior, I have been struggling with handing assignments in on time, and putting effort into work.  During sociology, I did concentrate, and my work was acknowledged. Very awesome.
AP Music Theory. Today is awesome because during AP Music Theory, I did not try to excuse myself for not having done the homework assigned the previous night.  I shall be doing it tonight in order to learn the material, but that fact that I was honest and told the teacher quite plainly that I had not done the homework was something I am not used to.  I'm not suggesting the people not do their homework, but it did feel great to just be up front and honest about not fulfilling my obligation as a student.
Peer counseling is always a joy.
I had an awesome lunch with my mom. :)  I got the money I needed to pay for prom after school, and talked about amazing opportunities coming up for a family friend.
In choir, we are learning an amazing song, and it was a joy practicing it today.
I actually understood Calc stuff today which is awesome!
English was awesome because I got in communication with my english teacher about my current performance in class.
After school, I paid for prom and had great rehearsals.

My conversation after play practice made me very happy. I walked with a friend and discussed the Facebook group ( that has been created for people to talk about their awesome days.  I picked the word awesome for a reason. "There's a difference between good and awesome," I explained. Trying to make a day good takes effort and can eventually become exhausting.  Failing a quiz, not handing in a homework assignment, or getting in a fight does not make a day "good." Any day, however, can be awesome.  Having an awesome day is effortless.   Not handing in my homework assignment was not good, but the point of view I took on, made the experience awesome.  My unsatisfactory performance in my english class is not specifically good, but my communication with my english teacher made my day awesome.  My day was awesome because I chose every action to be a learning, fun, enlightening, and enjoyable experience.

A day is as awesome as you make it, and Today is Awesome!


I will not be in communication with my awesomeness network until Sunday, 26 February, 2012.
My long awaited All State Women's Choir concert is coming up this Saturday, 25 February, 2012.
Practice begins tomorrow at 5:45 pm, and ends on the day of the concert.
It will be awesome!
Please excuse my non-presence on this blog and Facebook group. 

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